I was wrong about the emotional factor.
Although the answers showed that financial struggles do represent an emotional weight, the main theme was about cashflow management. This could be found in the Affinity Map I used to synthesize the interview answers.
I don’t realize when I’ve spent too much and I’m forced to be austere.
My biggest problem is the lack of stability of freelancing incomes.
Most financial opportunities don’t understand the income flows of freelancers.
I have too many things on the table to even consider a debt payment plan.
I like saving sections in my bank app because they prevent using that money.
What I would really want now is to start building my retirement fund.
I’d like to know the max amount I can spend with my credit card and stick to it.
I like being out of debt so that I can put more money in my retirement fund.
I’m always looking for business opportunities, like renting my equipment.
I budget my income in saving sections as soon as I get paid.
I avoid debt by not getting a credit card and use excel to have control over finances.
When I’m out of cash, I have to borrow money from family and friends.
Main theme: Cashflow Management
Because of the changing nature of their income flow, FYPs are constantly juggling with their finances and can’t always make scalable plans for the future of their money.
I created a user persona using the pain points, motivations and frustrations I drew from the interviews, so that my user group would be represented. Although savings goals may differ, FYP are generally looking to either develop a savings habit or strengthen an existing one. They also share the paint point of low visibility over their finances, as well as an income structure that doesn’t fit into conventional methods or tools.
Now that I had my persona, I needed to understand their journey. I created Julio’s Experience Map based on his process of looking for a financial growth method. This process would give me a general idea of what kind of kind of solution my target user needs, using the opportunities in each phase of the experience.
I chose an Experience Map over other artifacts, such as a storyboard, because it’s more detailed and may also provide a context and a use case.
32 | Visual artist looking to grow financially
Goal: Julio wants to save up in order to grow his capital and set up his own agency, making a name for himself within his industry.
Pain points: Financial that tools don’t consider freelancing incomes. Low visibility of financial movements throughout time.
Quote: “I love freelancing freedom, but it comes with the cost of low financial planning. I want a tool that helps me plan ahead, considering my variable income structure.”
In order to understand what sort of solution I was going to design for my user group, I needed to know what solutions are already out there. The topic was broad, so I needed to narrow down my solution.
My first consideration was to build a bank app just so that I could include an automated investment option. After the second round of user testing, I decided to pivot in order to narrow down my value proposition. My competitive analysis gave me the references I needed to understand what solution my target user needed in order to overcome their pain points and achieve their goals.